Friday, March 30, 2018

Las Vegas thinking

Hey guys. I am currently in Las Vegas for the U.S. Open. I have had a lot of fun and have thought a lot about my movie. From what it seems, I think I will choose movie idea number one because I have more opassion towards that idea and it’s a better idea overall.  I think that this movie will come out great. Once I  return home from Las Vegas, I will start filming right away.  Tomorrow I will create a storyboard of the movie idea how things will go in order. I also have my actors ready;  Steve Montano from coming home music video and a new character Fau.
 Also, before Las Vegas, I got a new iPhone 8 plus , I will be using this new phone for filming because the camera qualityIs asked good or almost better than the Canon I have. I will have to download a few filmmaking apps in order to get the best possible outcome for the video. I also have the set locations ready, meaning I know exactly where to go for the film. The good part about these locations is that I do not need any permissions to film because they are nature based.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Film Idea #2

My second idea is a comedy film called "the boys" it goes like this.

The boys are a bunch of weird cringy kids who dress funny and known to be weird in school (same characters from the last comedy movie) they are at school, checking out an ugly girl (she will have ugly clothing and makeup) she will be sitting by her self at lunch. They don't know she's ugly because he head is turned the other way boys are talking to each other.
"dude go talk to her shes totally checking you out."
"Nah bro, I'm too scared."
" Cmon man do it."
"She hasn't even look our way!"
The girl turns around and looks at them and waves. All the boys notice shes ugly, and all turn away in disgust.
"we attracted the devil."
"no one looks in her way."
"she looks like your mom."
Then she walks to them and says hey
"Oh, I'm sorry I have a girlfriend."
"Sorry I'm... ummm... gay!"
"I ughh-"
Then she gives the third boy her a card and walks away. The card says her phone number and "text me ;)"

As I was writing this, I honestly have no clue where the story leads; it looked better in my head. Let me think of it better and will get back to you. But so far, it seems like I'm sticking with the Suburbia idea!

Film Idea #1

As I thought for a long time, I came up with two ideas for the movie. The first one will be called Suburbia, it is a suspenseful movie mixed with mystery, and it goes like this.

The movie starts off with a male character wandering around; he is out and about. The audience does not know why he is wondering around in peoples backyards. Then he ends up in this forest-type area and walks in. Then a voice over comes up and says "that was the last time we saw Jonny" and a Stranger Things type music starts playing. " he has been missing since last summer, everyone has been wondering where Jonny went, friends and family gathered all around town in search for him, but no one ever found a clue" . As the narrator is saying this, there are many scenes of people looking and searching for him in many places.

 "They looked everywhere but in this one... specific... place... a place we like to call suburbia, is the place where my friends and I know never dare to go. We have heard stories, and read notes, ' what goes in suburbia, never comes out.' We think Jonny is in there, lost, scared, and hopeless. As Jonny's best friend, I must go in and find him. The boys and I gathered our weapons and prepared to rescue him. If I don't make it out alive, just know I love you, love, Steve" as the narrator is saying this, there are many scenes of Suburbia, the boys getting prepared, and looking for him in many places. Then, it shows Steve (the main character) finishing up his letter. As he finishes up, Fau, (another character) walks in and says, "Steve, its time to go." Both get up and run to the garage. On their way, Steve slaps the note on the refrigerator. The get on their bikes and start going to suburbia. This scene will have a lot of long shots of them riding their bikes to Suburbia. This scene will also have the title and the credits on it. As they arrive at the entrance to suburbia, they get off their bikes and stare at it; then the film ends there.

Quickly summarized, the story is how this kid mysteriously got lost in this place called suburbia that only a few people know of. The boys think that their friends got lost there. So they prepare themselves and investigate.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Media Drama and another Change of Plans

Today, I received a text from my classroom peer, (the guy who created the comedy story for me) saying that he and his partner changed their story to his idea about the gas station comedy. He tells me that he and his partner already created a storyboard and are ready to launch the movie. Basically, he is saying that he wants to use the idea that he gave me for the film, leaving me no other choice but to change my story AGAIN because that was his idea for the comedy. 

Yes, I am frustrated and nervous now because I was already planning to film this weekend for the movie! But now I cannot because my undecisive peer decides last minute to use that idea that he lend me. And, I cannot go back to my other movie idea because it did not do well in my peer ratings and critics. So now I have to make a new plan from scratch, leaving me in a position behind everyone in this project.

I knew I was going to encounter some small dilemma in my filming or editing process, but I was not expecting to struggle so much with finding the idea for the film. I am now left back at step one; thinking of another freaking movie plan! I would want to use a suspenseful or comedy theme for the film because I already did my research on those topics. But I must hurry, I do not have a lot of time to sit around and wonder, I must ask quick and execute a great plan.

So, tomorrow, I WILL present to you my FINAL movie idea, and this time, the movie idea will NOT be changed again, I have no more room for error! To give me a small foundation for thinking, I've always loved the feel, vibe, and theme of the famous Netflix series "Stranger Things." I want to make a film similar to the feeling of Stranger Things, obviously not copying the plot of the series. I want to incorporate in my film a similar soundtrack that the producers used for the series and the intro title sequence; very retro, 80's-90's themed and suspenseful.

Stay tuned for the next blog!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

How to make the Perfect Comedy

This is how to make the perfect comedy movie! The first thing is if you're going to make a comedy, it should be more about the story than the jokes. The jokes will naturally occur with a good story rather than a movie with a lot of quirky jokes with the whole purpose to try to make the audience die of laughter. There has to be a balance between a good enjoyable story and its jokes. If there's too much of one side, the movie will not be as funny!

Another factor to take into consideration is that you need to know how to write a funny story. Just because you are funny in person does not mean you are funny in writing. You need to think of a story that is funny and understandable for the audience, which ties to our next factor: a genre. To make a great comedy, you will need to find a specific genre to film about. From romantic to cringe high school comedies, you will need to find a genre in which you can write a lot of funny stories and jokes within your story.

Finally, the last step to success is writing the script with someone else. Everyone has a different sense of humor. Some find dark jokes hilarious; some find falls to be funny. So when two or more people are writing a comedy script, they can all give their opinion on what would be funny for the particular story, and all find a flat ground to agree on what would be hilarious for everyone. 

Gilles, D. B. (n.d.). The 4 Rules of Comedy Writing For Screenwriters. Retrieved March 19, 2018, from

The New Idea

Last media class, my teacher put us students in groups to discuss each of our plans and ideas for the project. When I pitched my movie idea to them, they gave me substantial feedback. They thought my film idea was uninteresting, hard to follow, strange, and they felt the story itself was pointless, and it leads to nowhere. Many of their opinions I agreed with, others I did not. Overall, my idea was not the best! One of the group members recommended me to change my story entirely to a comedy. He even gave me an excellent idea for a story! It goes like this:

The story starts off with an establishing shot of a gas station. The next cut shows a mini mom van pulling up to the gas station very wobbly. The car stops violently. There are a couple of kids in the car. The boy's outfits are hideous and awkwardly worn. The boys start to argue " you go in!" "no, you go in!" then they all point to Steve, the main character, "Steve you're going!" Steve says "Oh shit not again, why do we have to do this?" One of the kids says " Brian said that we could only come to his party if we either brought girls or booze and we all aren't friends with any girls!" Steve says "FINE" and comes out of the car.

Shaking and strolling, he approaches the gas station door and turns around to the car. All the boys are looking at him and waving at him to go inside. Steve walks inside. He nervously grabs a bottle and puts it on the counter.
 The cashier says "Is this all?"
"Yes sir," Says Steve
" I need to see some Identification."
Steve pulls out a piece of paper that says in crayon, "My name is Tyron Tyrone, I am 32" with a picture of a big and boeuf black man (Steve is white, short, and skinny)
" Is this you, Tyrone Tyrone?" asks the cashier
Steve, with his eyes wide open and in a squeaky voice says "Yes sir."
The cashier looks at it carefully, compares Steve to the picture in the ID and says
"Ok, that would be $17.38."
Steve gives him a $20
Then the cashier takes a look at the bottom of the ID, which reads "Organ Donar: Sometimes ;)"
"Wait a second; you're not an organ donor!"
Steve yells "SHIT" grabs the booze and runs out the door.

The cashier starts to chase him. All of Steves friends are waiting and yelling for him to jump into the car. As Steve is running to the car, there is a freeze frame of him running and the cashier chasing him. Then the title of the film comes up "The Boys." The following scenes are of many freeze frames of the chapters helping Steve get in, and with every freeze frame, the name will appear at the bottom of the screen.

After they leave the gas station, there's an establishing shot of a house. The next shot is of the boys in the house in a circle, surrounding the bottle of alcohol. One boy grabs the bottle and reads the bottle label "Dude there's 4% alcohol, were gonna get so fucked up with this!" Another boy says "Heck yeah we are!" Then Steve says "Guys we have a problem, the party is at 10 pm, my mom won't let me out at that time," Another boy says "Same!" Then Steve says "guys; I have an idea, were all going to have to sneak out!" Then the film stops there!

Overall, I think that his idea if funny and interesting to film about, I will need to do some reaserch on comedy movies before I start filming!

Monday, March 12, 2018


For my location of filming, I decided that I wanted to film in my house for this project. I am choosing to shoot at my home because all the props are already in place. For example, I have a light system in my house called "Hue." "Hue" controls many of my lights at home that is controlled by an app on my iPhone. With "Hue" I can change my lights to any color I like and choose all the different types of white lights. I can also control how dim or bright they are and how long I want them on. There are also pre-sets that change the colors of the lights automatically. "Hue" is perfect for the film because I can control the lighting through my phone. Plus with the change of colors, It will make the movie very appealing and aesthetic to the audience.

Anyways, at home, my sister's room is already colorful and creepy, which is perfect for the film. My house is the excellent place to film because we will not have to spend money on the film. Everything I need is already at home, and I will not have to pay cash for gas to travel places. My next step is to write a detailed script of the whole movie, stay tuned for it!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Idea

I have finally come up with a strong idea for the movie! I still haven't come up with a name yet. The first scene starts off with a fake company logo. This scene is going to be quick because I want to use as much of the two minutes as possible. After like two or three seconds of the logo, I will add a crossfade to a medium shot of a teenage male trying to fix his phone. My actor's name is Alessandro Montano, but in the movie, his name will be Steve. At first, Steve is annoyed and bothered that his phone does not work. He is sitting on the couch of his house. I will have many close up shots of his face because I don't want much dialogue in the film. I want the audience to understand his emotion through facial expression, lighting, and audio.

Anyways, Steve is troubled by his phone not working, so he goes to is dads room. Steve's dad's name is Faustino. As he enters, I will film many objects and details of the room because it is essential to the plot of the movie. The set stage will have much creepy voodoo and demonic items around the room. As well, the light of the room will be completely blue. Faustino is dressed up a creepy guy. Steve asks his dad to help him fix his phone. Faustino grabs the phone and smacks it a few times. The phone turns on, and he gives it back to Steve. Astonished, Steve slowly walks away in disbelief, and Faustino goes back to whatever he was doing (I will figure out the details later) Steve goes back to the couch and thinks to himself.

In the next scene, Steve comes back and brings his XBOX controller. He tells Faustino that it is not working. Faustino grabs it, smacks it the same way he did with his phone. And suddenly, the remote turns on, and Faustino gives it to him. Steve, flabbergasted, takes out the batteries of the remote from his pocket and whispers with his eyes wide open "Dad you're a wizard," and suddenly, the entire room turns evil red, and Faustino's face changes from normal to smirky.

Then the title scene comes on of the movie name with the people acting in it. That's all I have so far; I plan that this part of the movie will be around one minute to one minute and 15 seconds. I'm not sure yet what will come after that, but I will figure it out soon. Obviously, I did not include every single detail and an exact scene of the movie; this is just my overall idea and concept of the film. I will write down more information and the rest of the movie idea soon!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

That Sound

My next step to creating my movie is using the right sound choices. After some research, I found an article that talks about Christopher Nolans excellent use of sound in his films. In Nolan's films, he uses sound effects that are incredibly intense and nerve-racking. For example, in some of Nolan's movies like "Dunkirk" and "Interstellar," he uses many sound effects that start off with a deep tone, and increase slowly. Then the sound starts to rise in tone, and it seems like it will eventually end, but it continues to play, making the audience feel uncomfortable, anxious, and nervous. Nolan does this to create the sense that the film's plot cannot be resolved.

In my movie, I want to have a similar sound effect. I want my audience to feel as if they are right there in the setting too. I want them to feel sinister, anxious, and intrigued. I would prefer this sound effect to come up when the conflict starts to rise, making the viewer want to continue watching and interested.

Estes, A. C. (2017, July 27). The Uncanny Sound Illusion That Creates Suspense in Christopher Nolan's Movies . Retrieved March 10, 2018, from

Thursday, March 8, 2018

How to make the perfect suspense movie

To make a successful suspenseful/thriller film; it needs many aspects. I did some research on what makes a suspenseful/thriller successful and here's what I learned!

Every suspenseful/thriller movie needs to have a great, engaging story. I haven't established my plot yet, but I know that I have to make it complicated and intriguing. My character/actor has to be somewhat miserable. He needs to show that there is something wrong with him, his life, or his surroundings. He needs to have a facial expression that makes him look like there is a struggle in his life. The actor cannot say his miserable, but he needs to show it through emotion and actions.

The movie also needs to teach the audience something intriguing. Either about the leading actor, the setting, the antagonist, and or the plot; there has to be something about them to engage the audience into wanting to know whats ahead and want to continue watching. Finally, the movie must have high pacing. Every scene will have to reveal something new. It can be anything from small irrelevant items that fit into the plot or essential elements that are crucial to the ending or the plot.

10 Basic Ingredients of a Successful Thriller. (2008, September 5). Retrieved March 8, 2018, from

Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Oscars

Wow! This process was tougher than expected! I was thinking non-stop about a plot for my film all day today. Unfortunately, I was not able to come up with a story yet. I do have some ideas in my mind, but nevertheless, do not know how to tie it all together and execute it. For an idea that came up in my mind, I wrote it down in my notes, but throughout the day, I came back to them and deleted it because I thought they weren't a good movie plot.

I still strive to look for motivation and inspiration for my film. I desire my audience to want to watch it again and again! So, I turned on my TV and started watching The Oscars. I am viewing the show to see which movies were the best, see previews, and to get inspiration for my film!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Looking for Inspiration

All day today, I was looking at films and trailers to find inspiration for my 2-minute movie introduction. From the looks of it, I think I will have a suspenseful thriller movie because the majority of the film and trailers I watched were mostly that theme, and I find them the most interesting. I'm not trying to have my movie to be scary, but I want the viewer to want to continue watching the rest of the film; that is my goal!

Since I have found my theme, my next step is to think of an intriguing story to film. Again, I will need more time for my self to brainstorm and feel for a plot that would even interest me to continue to watch the full movie. I will write down my ideas on a paper and choose the best one to make the story of tomorrow.

Friday, March 2, 2018


Hello! This is my blog for my AICE Media Studies AS Level final. As part of my final, I have to create a two-minute film opening, and throughout this process, I will be writing about it on this blog a few times a week. I am excited and looking forward to sharing my process with you all.

I want to first start off by brainstorming. I want to have some time for myself to fully know which theme I want to use for my blog and my film. Personally, I feel like this is the foundation for an excellent movie. Once I have established my theme and plot for the movie, I will immediately begin researching into this topic and find creative and innovative ways to make my film opening eye-catching and intriguing.

As of right now, there is not much to do until I find my topic. Now, I will take some time off for myself to explore and discover many themes! But not to spoil anything, I think my film opening theme will somewhat be related to mystery, thriller, and suspense because I have always had an interest in these types of movies and I feel that these movies are the most intriguing.